Friday, September 14, 2012

Political Exodus to the UN for universal Remedy!


Peoples Human Rights Referendum 2012!

Mo’a Anbassa – conquering Lion hath prevailed!

Abba Jahnoy
 Father Majesty
Abba Jahnoy


Luel Ras Mesfin Haile Selassie I©           v.            His Excellency Sir Patrick Allen, OJ
Anointed One of Ethiopia, Lion of Judah     v.     Jesuits Governor General of Jamaica
Human Rights Ambassador                    v.             Commercial Citizens Rites
Universal Human Rights Law                  v.            Commercial customs and traditions
Implementation of fundamental              v.            Conformity and complacency under 
equality under international law                             a bankrupt legal fiction in commerce

Tenestellen (greetings) my royal human family, and may the most high Ethiopian human rights law-giver universally guide an diplomatically protect us always an forevermore in tewahedo (oneness).

We declare to the world, that we believe in Emperor Haile Selassie I, who worshipped the true tewahedo Faith of Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia), our Ethiopian Messiah who has come today. He sent Abuna Yesehaq (Father Isaac) to teach Africans in Jamaica about Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem, the dread-locked, dark-skinned, Redeemer, as none can come unto the Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) without coming thru the absolute divine anointed son (Wolde Atsie).

Therefore, as a faithful member of the tewahedo faith of Christ, it is fitting for us to abandon our old bankrupt commercial personality, for the promised, new diplomatic l.i.f.e. (living in full equality), incarnated in Christ’s universal human rights law, so that we may stand with international human rights morality in Iyesus Kristos name.

Even though the ecclesiastical government of the Empire of Ethiopia is in political exile today, we are claiming to be the unborn child of human rights faith, under article 6 of the 1955 Ethiopian constitution (revised). Our tewahedo Christian Faith just came to the West in 1959, and we are honoured to be the recipient of the Emperor’s undeserved-kindness, as he has bestowed an indigenous hereditary Ethiopian title from the Imperial Palace upon me.

As a Mesfin Haile (Duke of Power - Knowledge), my inherent dignity (value) is in my Ethiopian Dukedom, which is the Dukedom of Harar; where a people I an I have not known shall worship (unconditionally love – obey UN law) we in tewahedo (oneness).

Hence, as no member have yet to make public declaration for a diplomatic rapture, where the political hand of our sovereign Lord (political master) intervenes to emancipate humanity from commercial (contractual) self-condemnation under Jesuit domination in global commerce (trade), we are today in 2012, seeking Christ’s glory (magnificence in human rights law) to fulfil Ethiopian Holy Scriptures in full, as we near the END of this 2000 year Piscean Age today.

We are calling upon all those who say they are of our Father Majesty's (Abba Jahnoy's) divine name Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem (Jesus Christ, savior of this bankrupt modern world of trade), so that we may orchestrate an epoch-making (history changing) event down here in Jamaica.

We wish to fulfil the Emperors words in 1966 which said to liberate the peoples of Jamaica (from Jesuit mental slavery) before we Emigrate (voluntary diplomatic movement) back to Ethiopia. We have been seeking a private audience through the proper diplomatic channels in Jamaica and these politically backward parliamentarians do not understand that universal human rights are of the GREATEST importance and are priceless because they are inherent upon all human beings alike, without distinction or discrimination of any kind thereof.

any priceless an divine being can repent (turn away) from constitutional commercial bondage by renouncing political allegiance to IMF Jesuit globalization policies (political genocide) in commerce, whether as individuals, or in collective security as a nation (group of like-minded individuals) under international human rights law, so they may surrender to the political sovereignty (political free will) which was granted by our Royal Christian Ethiopian Monarch, who universally gifted  a human rights covenant of mercy (UN charter) to all humanity, but only the most prodigal son of the most high Christian law-giver CAN diplomatically stand up with international human rights morality, and politically resurrect the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, so that he may internationally claim succession to the Imperial throne of David (he who is well pleasing) of the Emperors of Ethiopia, as a Royal Christian of the Solomonic Dynasty today,,,,selah

contact i an i at 1-876-547-8507 so that we (humanity) may diplomatically expatriate from this global IMF system of bankruptcy; for in political unity, we can internationally secure diplomatic reparations of our international political legal status in global commerce (private human rights diplomat status) at the UN treaty organization for human claimants, and finally, repatriate back to Ethiopia in chariots (droves of tewahedo Christian faithfuls) of glory (magnificence in human rights law) as we fulfil Ethiopian Holy Scriptures of a human rights law coming from the East (Ethiopia - heaven) to bring universal redemption and salvation towards all in global commerce of today.

All we ask is a mustard seed of human rights faith, and sacred trust (credit), so that we may advance on this diplomatic path forward in global commerce of today. Whether you can find h.e.l.p. (Humans Encouraging Long-lasting Progress) or not, this intellectual cultural evolution of human minds in Jamaica, to politically rise up from an artificially created 3rd world Jesuit commercial status, to become the financial and spiritual hub of this 21st century, must diplomatically manifest.

so keep in mind that NO ONE can physically work for political freedoms, or to gain nature's wealth, but only by noble contributions to our human society, will human beings become worthy of diplomatically defending universal human rights for all humankind today.

for even every individuals very own state of economical bondage as an IMF commercial tax-payer (debtor) in global commerce of today, is what feeds mental oppression due to fraudulent astronomical taxation. however, this is  our noble an just cause of universal human rights liberation from underneath global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination

We also claim to be the Ethiopian Human Rights prophet that has come into this bankrupt modern world of commerce (trade) today, to fulfil the Ethiopian prophecy of a modern day Jonah. who was given a divine diplomatic mission to go to Geneva and condemn unrighteous Jesuit world rulership that have enslaved our modern commercial world in IMF debt, and then politically reprove them with universal human rights leadership and fundamental equality for all.

political exodus to the UN in Geneva is a must, as only in the divine human rights covenant of mercy (UN charter) do we wholeheartedly trust,,,,,,,,,,,,selah!

also note - with human rights faith in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, indomitable courage to stand up with international human rights morality at the UN in Geneva  and an Ethiopian Noble's just cause of universally liberating 193 member nation states from underneath global IMF tyranny in our modern world of commerce (trade), he true divine Son of David (he who is well pleasing), the Scion of Zion - Heir of Ethiopia, shall diplomatically rise from the politically dead IMF debtor mind-state in global commerce, and intellectually defeat a modern day political Goliath (IMF Jesuit commercial matrix) today, 2012!

 Virgin Mariam and Star Seed of David (he who is well pleasing)

and in the last days of this Piscean Age in 2012, 
our Archangel Michael (he who is like Elect of God the Father), shall diplomatically stand up as Emmanuel (Elect of God the Son be with us) with the rule of international human rights morality upon his h.e.a.r.t. (Heroic Endevours And Real Truths), to intellectually defeat a modern day political Goliath (IMF global Jesuit matrix) in universal love (obedience to Emperors UN law of Equality),,,,selah!

Declaration for Indigenous Peoples Rights 
excerpt from preamble 

Believing that this Declaration is a further important step forward for the recognition, promotion and protection of the rights and freedoms of indigenous peoples and in the development of relevant
activities of the United Nations system in this field,

Recognizing and reaffirming that indigenous individuals are entitled without discrimination to all human rights recognized in international law, and that indigenous peoples possess collective rights which are indispensable for their existence, well-being and integral development as peoples,

Recognizing  that the situation of indigenous peoples varies from region to region and from country to country and that the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical and cultural backgrounds should be taken into consideration,

Solemnly proclaims the following United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples as a standard of achievement to be pursued in a spirit of partnership and mutual respect:

Article 1
Indigenous peoples have the right to the full enjoyment, as a collective or as individuals, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms as recognized in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international human rights law.

Article 2
Indigenous peoples and individuals are (diplomatically) free and (politically) equal to all other peoples and individuals and have the right to be free from any kind of (IMF) discrimination, in the exercise of their rights, in particular that based on their indigenous origin or identity.

Article 3
Indigenous peoples have the right to self-determination (international privilege to form self governance). By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

Article 4
Indigenous peoples, in exercising their right to self-determination, have the right to autonomy or self-government in matters relating to their internal and local affairs, as well as ways and means for financing their autonomous functions.

Article 5
Indigenous peoples have the right to maintain and strengthen their distinct political, legal, economic, social and cultural institutions, while retaining their right to participate fully, if they so choose, in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the State.

Article 6
Every indigenous individual has the right to a nationality. (Ethiopian Nobility is a spiritual - intellectual -  nationality of indigenous origin

Abuye (Father) Gebre Menfes Kidus [means the slave of the Menfis Qidus - Holy Spirit

At the END of IMF globalization policies (political genocide), in the twinkling of on eye, we (humanity) will all be politically changed as we witness the power (human rights knowledge) of the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, not only commercially destroy global Jesuit Supremacy indoctrination, but to also raise up a divine human rights mediator, universal human rights ambassador - servant for humanity, in the name of our Lion of Judah in Ethiopia who sent him.

when Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christians in the Western hemisphere and southern Africa realize that they are the responsible to fulfill Ezekiel's prophecy of 'the valley of dry political bones', then the whole world will have universal redemption and salvation from global mental slavery as IMF tax-paying debtors.

each tewahedo Christian member have been gifted a sacred (holy - debt free) indigenous baptismal title, that is international intellectual property from the Virgin Mariam. This spiritually adopted indigenous name is what politically unify us as reborn citizens of a debt free kingdom of our Elect of God the Father, which is the ecclesiastical Empire of Ethiopia, that is in political exile until 'he who comes whose human rights it is'

Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) Jesus (Iyesus) must diplomatically claim direct descent from our Imperial Solomonic Dynasty of the Emperors of Ethiopia, as he IS the Star Seed (Son) of David (he who is well pleasing), the Scion of Zion - Heir of Ethiopia in flesh (political status), as an Ethiopian Noble - member of our Royal Christian Solomonic Dynasty

this is our tewahedo Christian faith in our Ethiopian Messiah to come at the appointed time as a proprietary political sacrifice, at the END of this 2000 Piscean Age today,  He is our Wolde Atsie (Elect of God the Son) whom Emperor Haile (Eliah) Selassie I have gifted to humanity with the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all

For where there is a human rights covenant (international agreement), the death of the human covenanter needs to be furnished.  For a human rights covenant is valid over dead victims, since it is not in force at any time while the human rights covenanter is living. Consequently neither was the former human rights covenant inaugurated without blood (human rights works).

so stand firm, and remember that with human rights faith in the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, indomitable courage to diplomatically stand up with international human rights morality, and an Ethiopian Noble's just cause of universally liberating 193 member nation states from artificially imposed global IMF debt (534 trillion dollar world debt - unsustainable, unpayable and must be discharged), the true divine Son of David (he who is well pleasing) WILL diplomatically rise up from the politically dead IMF tax-payer citizen-slave status, and intellectually defeat a modern day political Goliath (global IMF Jesuit Matrix)

arise from mental deprivation my daughter of Zion (Virgin Mariam - Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Faith), and come to the full understanding, that if our Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Faith is the true faith of our forefathers (Emperors of Ethiopia), then how can anyone say that Christ has not been diplomatically risen from the politically dead in me today?

our human rights faith is an internal thing based of self human development, and not an external element orchestrated from an unrighteous Jesuit tongue; for the pope's unrighteous Jesuit tongue have constituted a bankrupt modern world of unrighteousness, as they are the true antiChrist who deny Iyesus, our Ethiopian Messiah to come, and have impregnated the bankrupt modern world with IMF falsehood an Jesuit commercial lies

if our Elect of God the Father is a spirit (intelligence), then we (humanity) must worship (unconditionally love - obey Emperors UN law of equality) His Imperial Majesty in spirit (intelligence) and t.r.u.t.h. (The Real Untold Testimony of Haile/Eliah); for we have proven to humanity, that Emperor Haile Selassie I is our Elijah who have prepared the diplomatic way for our political ascension to the UN treaty organization for human claimants.

give thanks an praises for a debt free world without END to come, and REJOICE, as we see this global IMF kingdom of Usury being politically exposed and commercially dissolved. envision how our global unification under international human rights law of fundamental equality for all, will come with a debt free UN Planetary kingdom of equality in righteousness, with a viable resource based economy for humanity to flourish in political abundance and commercial prosperity today.

rest assured though, that there is wonder working redemptive political power (knowledge) in the precious blood (human rights works) of the Lamb (Iyesus Kristos); for Kristos is our sovereign Lord (political master) and universal Redeemer And Savior Towards All - R.A.S.T.A.

just as Abuna Yesehaq taught tewahedo Christian faithfuls in Jamaica, that Iyesus Kristos Medhane Alem, is a dark-skinned, dread-locked, redeemer, and none can find the Father, without coming thru the diplomatic firstborn Son, so shall it be when a divine manifestation presents himself to tewahedo Christains as Iyesus Kristios - he who saves his tewahedo Christian people from global IMF debt (death in commerce as IMF tax-paying citizen-slave)

if we have made a political sacrifice to renounce 3rd world citizenship status in Jamaica, so that we may promote an protect fundamental commercial freedoms to a righteous self determination in global commerce today, and have sanctified ourselves within our ancient indigenous tewahedo Christian Faith, then are we not worthy (axious) of the glory (magnificene in human rights law) of Abba Jahnoy (Father Majesty) Iyesus Kristos?

and if not, how can anyone say they believe in our Elect of God the Father who you dont see, but deny an reject Wolde Atsie (Elect of God the Son) who you do see today, intellectually fighting for global unification under sovereign international human rights law of fundamental equality for all

keep in mind also, that the children of our Elect of God the Father do righteous (legal an lawful) human rights works, as they are the true children of Judah (children of the law-givers) today,,,,selah!

Emperor Haile Selassie I 1963 UN speech, excerpt on equality of humanity

The basis of racial discrimination and colonialism has been economic, and it is with economic weapons that these evils have been and can be overcome. In pursuance of resolutions adopted at the Addis Ababa Summit Conference, African States have undertaken certain measures in the economic field which, if adopted by all member states of the United Nations, would soon reduce intransigence to reason. I ask, today, for adherence to these measures by every nation represented here which is truly devoted to the principles enunciated in the Charter.

Equality of representation must be assured in each of its organs. The possibilities which exist in the United Nations to provide the medium whereby the hungry (for human rights knowledge) may be (politically) fed, the (commercially) naked (politically) clothed, the ignorant (of human rights, may be diplomatically) instructed, must be seized on and exploited for the flower of (universal) peace is not sustained by (artificially created) poverty and (IMF) want. To achieve this requires courage and confidence. The courage, I believe, we possess. The confidence must be created, and to create confidence we must act courageously.

The great member nation states of the bankrupt modern world would do well to remember that in the modern age even their own fates are not wholly in their hands (indebted to bankers). Peace demands the united efforts of us all. Who can foresee what spark might ignite the fuse? It is not only the small and the weak who must scrupulously observe their obligations to the United Nations and to each other. 

Unless the smaller nations (groups of like-minded individuals) are accorded their proper voice in the settlement of the modern world's problems, unless the equality which Africa and Asia have struggled to attain is reflected in Expanded Membership in the institutions which make up the United Nations, confidence will come just that much harder. Unless the rights of the least of men are as assiduously protected as those of the greatest, the seeds of confidence will fall on barren soil.

The problems which confront us today are, equally, unprecedented. They have no counterparts in human experience. Men search the pages of history for solutions, for precedents, but there are none. This, then, is the ultimate challenge. Where are we to look for our human survival, for the answers to the questions which have never before been posed? 

We must look, first, to our Almighty Law-giver Elect of God the Father, Who has raised man above the animals and endowed him with intelligence and reason. We must put our human rights faith in His Imperial Majesty, that He will not desert us or permit us to destroy humanity which He created in His political image. 

And we must look into ourselves, into the depth of our souls (spirit an flesh or intelligence and political status). We must become something we have never been and for which our inferior Jesuit education and experience under global IMF tyranny and artificially created poverty-stricken environment have ill-prepared us. 

We must become bigger than we have been: more courageous, greater in spirit (intelligence), larger in diplomatic outlook. We must become members of a new unified human race, overcoming petty prejudice, owing our ultimate allegiance not to bankrupt nation states (legal fictions in commerce) but to our fellow human beings within the human community."  

Charter of the United Nations

Article 8

The United Nations shall place no restrictions on the eligibility of men and women to participate in any capacity and under conditions of equality in its principal and subsidiary organs.

the person of Christ (the Anointed One of Ethiopia) has a certain criteria to fulfil?

he must solve our 5 pillars of faith, along with the paschal (passover) mystery, 
he must intellectually overthrow a global IMF kingdom of Usury, 
he must diplomatically re-establish a debt free UN Planetary kingdom of equality in righteousness, 
his presence will stop the mouth of Jesuit Supremacy lying, END IMF globalization policies (political genocide), while resurrecting the divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, for the politically dead who are under global international trade

he will declare all diplomatic things openly, concerning commercial sin (transgressions against Emperors UN law of equality), international righteousness (legal an lawful uprightness) and concerning universal human rights judgement.

first, concerning commercial sin (transgressions against UN law of equality), as humanity would not be exercising human rights faith in His Imperial Majesty's divine adopted Son of Menfis Qidus (Holy Spirit - Elect of God's intelligence), as Elect of God the Son (Wolde Atsie) upon his arrival

second, concerning international righteousness, because I an I am going to the Father's UN treaty organization and humanity will behold me no more as a stateless and displaced Ethiopian Orthodox Human Rights Prophet (Defender

and finally, concerning universal human rights judgement, as the defacto Jesuit ruler of this bankrupt modern world of IMF darkness (debt) has been diplomatically judged

he will say these diplomatic things to humanity so that by His Imperial Majesty's divine covenant (UN charter) of fundamental equality for all, humanity may have universal peace in global commerce (trade). 

In the bankrupt modern world of global trade, everyone will be having IMF commercial tribulations under artificially created Jesuit bankruptcy, but take diplomatic courage in the divine covenant (UN charter)! for he MUST diplomatically conquer the bankrupt modern world of IMF darkness (debt), but only in 'collective security' with the sovereign voice of humanity.

for by his flesh (political status), he will abolish the commercial things (astronomical national debts) of old, and commercially destroy the contract (bankrupt constitution) which come between human beings and their inherent indigenous international human rights an fundamental commercial freedoms to a righteous self realization in our wonderful world of global trade.

upon the second advent or the promised return, Kristos MUST diplomatically rise up from the politically dead mind-state of an IMF tax-paying debtor citizen-slave, which is also a universal sign of his coming. 

He said that this wicked an adulterous generation of Vipers keeps on seeking for a mystical super-natural sign, but NO mystical super-natural sign will be given it, EXCEPT the unprecedented an Majestic super-natural political sign or event, of a modern day Jonah, who must travel to Geneva today, and condemn unrighteous Jesuit world rulership under commercial (contractual) fraud,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,selah!

let us (humanity) make the human rights tree known by its diplomatic fruit. if our tewahedo Christian faith in Kristos is holy (sacred - debt free), then we baptised tewahedo Christians are holy (sacred - debt free) also, and if the western Christian branches are holy (sacred - debt free), then our ancient tewahedo Christian ROOTS is holy (sacred - debt freealso .

Diplomatic Succession to the Imperial Throne of David in Ethiopian 2012!: 
Power (knowledge) of our Political Unity in global commerce (trade of today...

The Emperor of Ethiopia (Ge'ez: nəgusä nägäst, "King of Kings") was, and still is, the hereditary ruler of Ethiopia, up until the abolition of the monarchy in 1974. The Emperor was the head of state and head of government, with ultimate executive, judicial and legislative power in that country. A National Geographic Magazine article called imperial Ethiopia "nominally a constitutional monarchy; in fact, it was a benevolent autocracy."


The title of "King of Kings", often rendered imprecisely in English as "Emperor", dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, but was used in Axum by King Sembrouthes (c. 250 AD).
However, Yuri Kobishchanov dates this usage to the period following the Persian victory over the Romans in 296-297. Its use, from at least the reign of Yekuno Amlak onward, meant that both subordinate officials and tributary rulers, notably the gubernatorial vassals of Gojjam (who ranked 12th in the states non-dynastic protocol as per 1690), Welega, the seaward provinces and later Shewa, received the honorific title of nəgus, a word for "king."
The consort of the Emperor was referred to as the ətege, and the ruling Empress Zauditu used that title in addition to the feminized form nəgəstä nägäst ("Queen of Kings").

Succession to throne of David

Succession to the throne at the death of the Monarch could be claimed by any male blood relative of the Emperor: sons, brothers, uncles or cousins. Primogeniture (the right, by law or custom, of the firstborn to inherit the entire estatewas preferred but not always enforced. As a result, two steps were taken: the first, employed on occasion before the 20th century, was to intern all of the Emperor's possible rivals in a secure location, which drastically limited their ability to disrupt the Empire with revolts or dispute the succession of an heir apparent; the second was that, with increasing frequency, Emperors were selected by a council of the senior officials of the realm, both secular and religious.
note: Ultimogeniture, also known as postremogeniture or junior right, is the tradition of inheritance by the last-born of the entirety of, or a privileged position in, a parent's wealthestate or office. The tradition has been far rarer historically than primogeniture, inheritance by the first-born.
Ethiopian traditions do not all agree as to exactly when the custom started of imprisoning rivals to the throne on a Mountain of the Princes. One tradition credits this practice to the Zagwe king Yemrehana Krestos, who is said to have received the idea in a dream; Taddesse Tamrat discredits this tradition, arguing that the records of the Zagwe dynasty betray too many disputed successions for this to have been the case. Another tradition, recorded by Thomas Pakenham, states that this practice predates the Zagwe dynasty, and was first practiced on Debre Damo, which was captured by the 10th century queen Gudit, who then isolated 200 princes there to death; however, Pakenham also notes that when questioned, the abbot of the monastery on Debre Damo knew of no such tale. 
Taddesse Tamrat argues that this practice began in the reign of Wedem Arad, following the struggle for succession that he believes lies behind the series of brief reigns of the sons of Yagbe'u Seyon. A constructivist approach states that the tradition was used on occasion, weakened or lapsed sometimes, and was sometimes revived to full effect after some unfortunate disputes - and that the custom started in time immemorial as Ethiopian common inheritance pattern allowed all agnates to also succeed to the lands of the monarchy - which however is contrary to keeping the country undivided.
These potential rivals were incarcerated at Amba Geshen until Ahmed Gragn captured and destroyed that site; then, from the reign of Fasilides until the mid-18th century, at Wehni. Rumors of these royal mountain residences were part of the inspiration for Samuel Johnson's short story, Rasselas.
Although the Emperor of Ethiopia had theoretically unlimited power over his subjects, his councilors came to play an increasing role in governing Ethiopia, because many Emperors were succeeded either by a child, or one of the incarcerated princes, who could only successfully leave their prisons with help from the outside. As a result, by the mid-18th century the power of the Emperor had been largely transferred to his deputies, like Ras Mikael Sehul of Tigray, who held the actual power of the Empire and elevated or deposed Emperors at will in their struggle for control of the entire realm.


The Emperors of Ethiopia derived their right to rule based on two dynastic claims: their descent from the kings of Axum, and their descent from Menelik I, the son of Solomon and Makeda, Queen of Sheba.
The claim to their relationship to the Kings of Axum derives from Yakuno Amlak's claim that he was the descendant of Dil Na'od, through his father, although he defeated and killed the last Zagwe king in battle. His claim to the throne was also helped by his marriage to that king's daughter, even though Ethiopians commonly do not acknowledge claims from the distaff side.
The claim of descent from Menelik I is based on the assertion that the kings of Axum were also the descendants of Menelik I; its definitive and best-known formulation is set forth in the Kebra Nagast. While the surviving records of these kings fail to shed light on their origins, this genealogical claim is first documented in the 10th century by an Arab historian.
Interpretations of this claim vary widely. Some (including many inside Ethiopia) accept it as evident fact. At the other extreme, others (mostly interested non-Ethiopians) understand this as an expression of propaganda, attempting to connect the legitimacy of the state to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Some scholars take an approach in the middle, attempting to either find a connection between Axum and the South Arabian kingdom of Saba, or between Axum and the pre-exilic Kingdom of Judah. Due to lack of primary materials, it is not possible as of 2006 to determine which theory is the more plausible.


The Royal Christian Solomonic dynasty

The restored Solomonic dynasty, which claimed descent from the old Aksumite rulers, ruled Ethiopia from 13th century until 1974, with only a couple of usurpers. The most significant usurper was Kassa of Kwara, who in 1855 took complete control over Ethiopia and was crowned Tewodros II (he developed a claim to have been descended from Solomonics in distaff side). After his defeat and demise, another non-Solomonic, Dejazmatch Kassai took over as Yohannes IV; however, his distaff descent from Solomonics was a well-attested fact. Menelik of Shewa, who descended from Solomonic Emperors, in the direct male line (junior only to the Gondar line), ascended the imperial throne following Yohannis IV's death, thus purporting to restore the male-line Solomonic tradition.
The most famous post-Theodorean Emperors were Yohannes IV, Menelik II and Haile Selassie. Emperor Menelik II achieved a major military victory against Italian invaders in March 1896 at the Battle of Adwa, the first major victory of an African nation against a colonial power. After Menelik, all monarchs were of distaff descent from Solomonics. The male line, through the descendants of Menelik's cousin Dejazmatch Taye Gulilat, still existed, but had been pushed aside largely because of Menelik's personal distaste for this branch of his family. Menelik's Solomonic successors ruled the country until the military coup in 1974.

The Imperial Coat of Arms was adopted by Emperor Haile Selassie, and is currently held by his direct heirs in the male line. The arms are composed of an Imperial Throne flanked by two angels, one holding a sword and a pair of scales, the other holding the Imperial scepter. 

The throne is often shown with a Christian cross, a Star of David, and a crescent moon on it (representing the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic traditions). It is surmounted by a red mantle and an Imperial crown, and before the throne is the Lion of Judah symbol. 

The Lion of Judah was the central emblem of the Ethiopian tri-color flag during the reign of the monarchy, and now serves as the chief symbol of the Ethiopian monarchist movement. The phrase "Moa Ambassa ze imnegede Yehuda", (Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah) appeared on the arms, and always preceded the Emperor's official style and titles, signaling the Emperor's submission to Kristos - Christ (the anointed One of Ethiopia), to whom the title belonged. 

It was an often repeated mistake that the title of "Lion of Judah" referred to the Emperor himself. 

The official Imperial Dynastic motto was "Ityopia tabetsih edewiha habe Igziabiher" (Ethiopia stretches her hands unto the sovereign Lord).

Italian conquest of Ethiopia

In 1936, with the Italian conquest of Ethiopia, Emperor Haile Selassie was forced to flee abroad. Benito Mussolini instead made Ethiopia an Italian province and proclaimed Victor Emmanuel III to be the Emperor of Ethiopia - a title considered illegitimate by parts of the international community, and lasted only five years. (for the Emperors are Heirs to this divine throne ni Ethiopia)

Return of Haile Selassie

Haile Selassie returned to power with the British conquest of the Italian East Africa during World War II. In January 1942 he was officially reinstated to power in Ethiopia by the British government.
The position of the Emperor and the Line of succession were strictly defined in both of the constitutions adopted during the reign of Haile Selassie: the one adopted on July 16, 1931; and the revised one of November 1955.
The last Solomonic monarch to rule Ethiopia was Amha Selassie, who was offered the throne by the Derg after his father Haile Selassie's deposition September 12, 1974. When Amha Selassie, understandably mistrustful of the Derg, refused to return to Ethiopia to rule, the Derg announced that the monarchy had come to an end in March 1975.
In 1993 a group called the "Crown Council of Ethiopia", which includes several descendants of Haile Selassie, claimed that the nəgusä nägäst was still in existence, and was the legal head of Ethiopia. The Ethiopian constitution of 1995 confirmed the abolition of the Emperorship.

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